Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Are you struggling with Money? You are not alone.

Money, Money, Money..............

Money does not always solve the problem, but without it, we will all be struggling.

(a) Lodging
Just imagine walking on the street with thin cotton summer clothes, surrounded by strong wind, and have no idea where to spend the night.
That is real life for some low income earners or the unemployed.  With long waiting list of public housing and booming house price, some ends up sleeping in cars.

(b) Clothing
How about walking on the street, pass by a shop with clothes that you love?  You will probably be in a dilemma whether to settle the credit card bills or pay of the clothes.

(c) Food
How about following all the tips you gather from websites, tv shows to shop with a list, at a best discount time, but yet, don't seem to save enough for a holiday?

Well........  you are not alone and hope you find the following website helps.

101 Ways to Make Money :
It talks about ways to make money with ClickBank, become virtual assistant, with Youtube, writing poetry.  The list goes on and on. 
Have a look at it and you might find something interesting that you are not currently aware of.

Remember that there is no free lunch in this world.  If you need to make money successfully, you need to process the information you read and use it to work for you.
Example: Never throw a big junk of your savings into stock market blindly.  Simon says..............  BAD BAD BAD idea............