Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Letter To My Friend


Sorry, just see your email now. First of all, let me assure you that it is ok to be emotional and upset because we are all human, as long as you walk away without doing or saying anything that will hurt someone, which you will regret.

In the perfect world, everyone gets along well. We are blessed with the ability to think, to decide, to choose, but, because we are different, sometimes, the personality just crash. Although we have our mind, I think we are no different with animals at some aspects. When we feel that we are attacked, we defend fiercefully. That is the nature. In this case, your mother in law means no harm, unfortunately, she misses the signal that you need her to step back.

I love reading books of self improvement or some quotes from smart and successful people. Not that I practise them, but just a reminder to myself of what others have done right to be up there. Just, always practise what I say rather than what I do, because I am pretty slacked in practising what is right.

Thanks for trusting me enough to tell me your problems. I don't see the problem as solely bossy mother in law, unreasonable boss and rude interviewer. I do see you struggle with expressing yourself, losing confidence and being confused about life. We do not cry for no reason, and sometimes it relates to something deep down and not just the problem that we thought we are dealing with.

1. Pick a day, go to some where quiet, and ask yourself when is the last time you laugh from your heart. Then write down the list of things that you really want to do that will really cheer you up.

2. Every week, make a plan to do something from the list. If it means having some quiet time to read a book, then go to the library for 1-2 hours. Quiet time and only your time.

3. Have a look at the course link (Listen to your heart and success will follow) I sent. If you really sit down and go through the course, I do think it will be a good start that give you a better idea on what you are looking for in life/work and how to deal with it.

There are a few of things I learn in life:

- Things always happen for a reason.

- Whatever we experience in life is a lesson, and it will not go away until we learn it.

- We need to know what is our needs (not want). If we know our needs, we can express ourselves better and then start communicating with people around us.

Good night and have a sweet dream