Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Make it happen

It is easy to get suck into the thinking of: "I can't chase my dream because......".

Well, if you want it enough, you will make it happen. 

It is easier to take the easy way out... but the fact is no pain no gain.

The logic is simple.  We breathe because if we don't, we die.  As simple as that.

Let's look at the following:
1. They are the "singers" that stand out, entertained the audience, without actually singing.
Please meet IUV.


2. He is 53 and is a great and non-ordinary dancer.
One of my favourite.


3. He has such a great talent and passion in singing thou he has been alone since 5.


I hope you enjoy the above links and have it as a good reminder when things does not go as plan.