Saturday, October 22, 2011

Games of Luck

When you heard about gambling problem, do you think that it will never happen to you?

The fact is, it is hard to stay sensible and it takes real sense of control when it comes to Game of Luck.

Just this week, there was a 22 mil mega draw.  Normally, I just buy Quick Pick, with minimum game, cost me less than $10.
With this 22 mil mega draw, I have decided to play Quick Pick System 9, which is equivalent to 81 games, cost me around $55.
The idea is, I only need minimum 1 number + 2 supplements, would at least get me around $12 for one win and there are 6 numbers for the combination out of the 9.

Just to be safe, I buy a normal Quick Pick of 12 games, cost me another $10.
Cool, great investment, I thought.

Believe it or not, there are 14 winners for the 22 mil, I am not one of them.  In total, there are around 1.4 mil winnders and again, I am not one of them.

How disappointing..... 

To be honest, I was a little desperate.  I wanted to change job and get some free money for buying a small property.  I got a little desperate as I have been job hunting for a while, but can't seem to find a job I like.  I am desperate to leave the current job.  In 2 months time,  it will be Company Christmas dinner, and I am not even looking forward to that.

All this add up to the desperation, and guess what, I thought I cannot be that unlucky. 

No, no, no......  That is the self-created trap. 

Keep in mind, you can try your luck... but, if you get suck into encouragement of winning small $ and then hoping for the Big Windfall, before you know, you would have spent too much.

Just a small calculation. $10 * 52 weeks = $520, $50 * 52 = $2600, which covers nearly 2 months of groceries.

So, think again.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Are people as nice as they seem to be

I have worked in the current company for > 5 years.  People come and go, just not my turn yet.

I have not been very happy with current work environment because I believe there is a lot of handballing and my colleague are not as nice as they are seen.

I found being put on the spot by someone who everyone thinks he is nice and willing to help.

Bernard is an experience consultant and has been promoted to a manager within 2 years after joining the company. He is well presented, excellent consultant and Mr Nice in everyone's eyes.

I was never involved in the implementation project for client XYZ. One day, I was invited by Bernard to sit in a meeting for a presentation of an accounting systems to a client's management. 

During the meeting, the following conversation took place.

Financial Controller (FC): Bernard and I have been working on this sales report and we are combining information A, B C into one.

Director: I need the budget information to be included.  When I can have it?

FC: Bernard, when can we have it.  This week?

Bernard: I am working on it and will make it available soon.

FC: Do you think it will be available this week?  Can we have it on Friday?

Bernard: Jenny(me) and I are working on it. 

FC: So, Friday is ok?

Bernard:  Jenny... what is your schedule, do you have time to look into it?

Me????? What is that to do with me???
I just look at him, silent, and then I said, let's see.

Anyway, at the end of the meeting, I said " Bernard, if you need me to look at the report, I may be available in 2 days time, I will try to finish off the job on my hand now and try to make myself available."

Bernard: That's ok, I should be able to handle that. 

What ????  So, he does not need help.....   just try to hand the ball to someone to save his bloody own skin.

Since then, I am annoyed to see my boss and others still thinking high on him.  He is still handling client XYZ, he is still doing well with all the billable hours, he still can handball when he does not like to do certain things.  Guess what, there are people who still pick up the ball.

You know what.... in ideal world, the perfect man will be liked and successful.
In the real world, you can get away if you have good relationships with the right people.

Bloody disgusting.