Monday, June 10, 2013

No-Discrimination Day

I was on facebook just now and saw a video link about an Aussie lady verbally abusing an Asian student on Sydney bus.

It is pretty sad to have these kind of incidence in the modern world.  We travel internationally, we have movies from all over the world, we deal with different kind of people from different culture every day, so why are we still dealing with this kind of non-sense.

White, yellow, black, whatever colour, there are good and bad people, there are generation from different ages and behaving similarly or differently. 

Even when people come from the same race, there is different kind of discrimination as well.
We have people who discriminate the gay/lesbian, the less fortunate, the weaker student, the skinniest, the fattest, the poorest and the list just go on and on and on.

To sum it up, we just need to accept the difference in people.  We don't have to agree, but just step back and accept the difference. What's wrong with it when these differences bring no harm?

I don't understand and hope the No-Discrimination days will come.