Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tradition that show adults and mature - Time to change

There are many beliefs and traditional custom that has been in place for a long long time. 

As we know more everyday and to be a better person, it is time to relook at some of them and stop those that are not acceptable in today's world.

One of them is the killing of Calderon Dolphins in Feroe Island.

Time to change - Killing of Calderon dolphins

It is certainly one of the shocking scene that I wish it never happen.

I would also like to share with you the following link:

Thursday, January 9, 2014

黃子華棟篤笑 2003 - 冇碳用 - Dayo Wong - Standup Comedy

Very interesting.  Just come across this and make you think about the thought of suicide, elders, girls losing weight, girls view of each other etc.

黃子華棟篤笑 2003 - 冇碳用