Tuesday, December 29, 2015

My Fish

New Hobby - Colouring

It is the long year end leave I am always looking forward to.  Last year, my friend and I drove all the way to Fountain Gate Westfield on Boxing Day, it was a good shopping.  Comparing to the city and chadston, it is definitely less traffic and shoppers.  Oh Lord, this year is a different story.  We arrived earlier,  but it was full of people.  What a nightmare.  No way I am going there again.

Anyway, while there is not much really good deal going on, I found new thing to do for my holiday.
As my friend and I passed by a book store, we saw some colouring book for adults.  What is that for?  My friend told me that may be I can do colouring when I am bored.  As I flipped through the pages, it is intimidating...  Why... so complicated.  As lazy as I am,. the thought of go through all these complicated pattern did not sound appealing at all.

You know what?  When I woke up the next morning, I changed my mind again..... as usual.  I went to nearby BigW, do some shopping and that include buying a couple Colouring Book for Adults.  I then went to Officeworks for colouring pencils before I changed my mind again.

It is not that bad after all.  It is another relaxing way. The beauty is, I listen to music, picking up any colours and do the colouring without thinking anything.  Good way to clear my mind and enjoy a sense of achievement at the end of it.

I hope you like my colouring as I do.

Happy New Year.