Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Food Sites - December 09

(a) Meals for you
Did you go to a restaurant, order a meal and wonder, man, how much caleries in it and what are the ingredient?
Did you like the meal and thinking "hmm....  I should have ago myself ......"

Did someone you love tell you their favourite food and you want to cook for them, but have no idea what it looks like?

If you did, I hope you enjoy  What you need to do is simply search recipe by name, and you will find the picture, the recipe, the ingredient etc etc etc.........

(b) Hookery Cookery

Another food site I enjoy is  It is simple and "tidy".  Yes, tidy.  Imagine you are interested in just suggestion for Christmas and Easter.  Instead of being flooded with all sorts of recipes, just click on "Christmas", you will find some meals special for Christmas.

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