Sunday, January 31, 2010

More Recipes sites

I have recently visited some recipes websites.

(a) Curry Focus -
There are tonnes of curry recipes in this websit, including Dal Recipes, Lamp, Beef, Baldi, Massaman, etc  etc etc.  It is interesting to find so many Curry Recipes I never heard of.

- There are a "Recipe review" section, where you can see users' rating and the heat rating. 
-  They are pretty easy to follow. 
- Best of all, you can also share your own recipes on this website and get feedback from others who love curry.

- There are no photos attached so you can't really see how it looks like.

(b) Taste -
You will receive a lot of information by browing through this website.
My favourite are the "Recipes", "News and Features" and "How To".

- In the "Recipes" session, you can get suggesions for different occasions and simple thing for lunch box.  It is filled with photos and therefore, easy to pick a recipes that might interest you.

- The "New and Features" session is full of information such as "Top 50 recipes for 2009", cook books reviews and fantastic food locations around the globe.

- In the 'How to" sessions, I like the "Ingredients" session, where, it shares the ways of preparing them (eg: blood orange, cucmeber),  photos of how they look like, what is in the season etc etc.
It does not stop there.  There are video series, which you can click on.

Fantastic and very informative website.  Hope you like it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy 2010 - Plan for the better

Happy New Year to all my friends and relatives.  May your wishes come true in the new year.

As you look back the previous year, have you been stressing about life, work, marriage, relationships etc etc etc and the list seems to go on forever?

Well, me too. 

As I went through my email today, I see an email from Kristine Carlson.  She is the wife of international phenomenon Dr. Richard Carlson (author of the “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and it’s all Small Stuff” series), and author of National Bestsellers, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Love” and “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Women”.

Visiting the website, remind me the importance of living in the moment and enjoy the present.

Have a look at the above website, click on "Features Excerpts" on the left menu bar, there are some interesting pieces as follows:
"Avoid the "I've Had A Really Hard Day" Habit - from Don't Sweat the Small Stuff in Love"

"Don't Fight Over Stupid Things - from Dont' Sweat the Small Stuff in Love'

"Remember That Your Partner Can't Read Your Mind - from Don't Sweat the Small Stuff in Love"

"Know Your Own Value - from Don't Sweat the Small Stuff in Love"

Hope you enjoy it.