Sunday, March 21, 2010

Simply Saving

Sigh.............  for those who know me, you might be aware I have been home hunting for a long long long ........ time.  I can't do much when the housing price in Australia has gone crazy.   Some says it will fall, some says it will rise even further due to high demand low supply.

Do I continue, yes.  However, I decide to do other things as well. 

1. Compound interest - saving account
Look around for savings accounts that offer compound interest daily, ie, the interest is calculated based on the principal and accumulated interest. 
Imagine you invest $10000 at 10 percent for 5 years, it will be $10000 * 1.1 * 1.1 * 1.1 *1.1* 1.1 = $16,105

2. Investment - shares
Earn from capital growth and dividends.  Of course, only if you get the right shares.

3. Survey
This is pretty slow process, but better than none.

Hooh........  Hopefully I don't have to take up another job.

Vitamin in Heart

I am currently reading a book "Vitamin in Heart" by 何南辉.  It shares the life phylosophy with short stories.  It is really interesting, precise and easy to follow, and telling us what we may/may not already know.

The following is a story that I really like.  The original is in Chinese, so, I have tried my best to translate it into English.  It is a summarised version thou.

1. A bird that speak seven languages
A husband went overseas for a business trip.  One day, he passed by a pet shop and saw a bird that speak seven languages.  He found it amazing and decided to pay a good price for it.

As he was still on the business trip, he requested the pet shop owner to deliver the bird to his wife as a surprise birthday present.

A few days later, when he arrived home,
Husband:  "did anyone deliver a bird".
Wife: "Yes"
Husbad: "Where is it?"
Wife: "In the oven."
Husband:"What???  It is a precious bird that speak 7 languages?  Why would you eat it?"
Wife: "It did not say anything, how would I know?"

Have you ever felt you are good or even the best, but no one appreciate or understand you?  That is because you never say it.

My thought:
It does not mean you go around and blow your own trumpet.
If you are good, continue with the good work, make sure it is flawless.  When there is a discussion on topic you are good at, speak up and share your thoughts.  Don't voice your opinion over the others.  Just listen and answer.
If you are good at what you are doing, make it better and be the best.  Expand the knowledge on what you already know. 

I have a friend who graduates in MIS. He works in an IT company. His strength is in database modelling.  Base on that, he has master reporting wrting skills in Crystal Reports and all his collegues is aware of his skills. He enjoys learning new skills.  Now he is learning Reporting Services in his own time, which is another popular report writing tools.

He hates it when he is asked to do things that he is not familiar at work, however, he realises $$$ to the boss is what it comes down to.  He needs to have the skills that the employer is willing to pay.  To continue with what he is good at, he invests his time to keep up-to-date with what he knows.  In the mean time, broaden his knowledge in his area of expertise.

You can keep feeling demotivated or find a solution for yourself.  Afterall, if you don't help yourself, no one can.