Thursday, August 19, 2010

It is not how long you work

"I am working hard.... long hours.... but don't feel appreciated.............."

Sounds familiar?

Well, it is time to realise it is not how long you work, but the return of the time you spent.  A good worker does not always mean the one who arrives work early at 8am and leave late.
Cruel reality but it is true.

The fact is:
- when you cannot resolve a problem, it may be a good idea to stop and work on other tasks.  You might see the light after a short break.  It works extremely well for me when looking at a programs that I develop for so long and I can't see a simple mistake.

- If you are working on number crunching / formulas/ programs, it is worth writing simple list of possible solutions on paper and tick as you go.  I found myself lost track of what I have tested after  a long while.

Ultimately, it will be satisfactory only if there is a solution.
Well, when there is no solution, we only says "I have tried my best".

- No one will pay good money for something that they don't find value in.  When asking for pay rise, focusing on what value you bring to the company, not how long you work every day.

Seriously, it is not worth it when getting good money, but no time to spend it. 
No wonder job satisfaction is important nowadays.  Just imagine we are underpaid to work late with no satisfaction. 

That will be really groomy.............  Sigh......

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