Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Malaysia Prime Minister's wife - insentive comment to Japan disaster

There is a heated discussion of the wife of Malaysia's Prime Minister, Rosmah Mansor's insensitive comment that "the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan is a lesson to them to build buildings that are eco-friendly and green.

..... that Japan should do research into their environment before proceeding with any kind of development and to consider climate change and green technology during the planning of any development initiatives."

You can see the clip with this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuMLtycp_0I&feature=youtu.be

Seriously, from the clip, I don't think she was prepared when being asked that question. She might even think by throwing words like green technology, do research into environment etc etc , is actually a good answer that show she knows something.

She is not the first Malaysian who says the wrong thing in public. If it takes a harsh lesson to make all leaders and public figures to think twice before they actually say and do anything,  I would say "It is a good thing, yeh.... they actually think".

It is a good lesson for all leaders to realise they represent the country. What they do and what they say, affect the country and the nations.

Unfortunately, out of all the heated discussion, there are some nasty comment that wish tsunami hits Malaysia... blar blar blar.

I wonder what make these people different from Rosmah Mansor. They don't think anyway. Why on earth would anyone wishes such disaster happen to any countries or any nation?

Do they seriously think that by throwing nasty comment and wilful wishes will make the world better? 

Come on... Think again !!!!!

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