Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nothing... Nothing much... Nothing special... I don't know

A mother asks her child
Mother: What are you doing?
Child: Nothing.

I am doing something, but you are not to know.

A sister saw her siblings laughing out loud on the phone.
Sister: What's so funny?  Anything interesting?
Sibling: Nothing much.

It is funny but you don't need to know

A friend made a nice chicken meal for the dinner
Me: Wow, that is delicious.  What's in it?
Friend:  Oh... nothing special.  Just the normal stuff.  Little bits of salt, onions, this... and that and that.

It is delicious... I know... But, sorry, secret recipe and I am not ready to share that with you.

Any guesses of what is the most convenient answer to give? 
That's right.... I Don't Know

Where is the vacum cleaner?  I don't know.....

Where is your little brother?   I don't know.....

What else do you know? 


If you are lucky, you will be left alone at least for the next half a day.

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