Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is God there

Most of us experience ups and downs in our life. 

If someone says: "Life is always fantastic.  Everythings is perfect and I have no problem at all.".  Although he might be the luckiest human in the world, the chance is, he has the right attitude for life.

Have a look at this youtube clip from Korea Got Talent.  He is an orphant and have been living on the street since 5.  I am not sure if there is God, but I believe there is always blessing from the Higher Power.

If everythings go as what we expect without any challenge, I bet we will be bored.  Most of us just take things as granted.

Mary: "Why God let the disasters happen?  Why are there earthquake that kills millions of people? Where is God when all these happen?  Shouldn't HE protect us from all these?"

Answer: "I don't know.  But, it is fantastic to see people offering their helps to those who suffer.  It is a reminder that there are good and generous people out there when you are disappointed by those you met in your life."

Mary: "Is there really God?  Where is HE?  Which is the religion with the real God?  Why do I see those who pray and claim they practise the God's rules are in wars, saying mean things, being violent?"

 Answer: "I don't know.  What I know is, I set my own values and do the best of my life for doing the right and good things.
- I choose not to speak evil. 
- I choose to hold my temper rather than throwing mean words that hurt others. 
- I choose to speak my mind and accept that it may not be accepted. 
- I choose to put on my favourite songs on bad days and start a new day with positive thinking."

If there is God and if I ever see Him one day, I will say:
"I have not been to church/temple and sing any praises.  I never know if there is a real God and I don't know why life has to be so complicated. 

I don't know why disasters happen, why bullying happens, why some have to commit suicide to send strong messages to the bullies and yet bullying still happen, why there are discrimination on those who seem different.

I felt rediculous to say I repend on Sunday and then go back to my old way and feel sorry.

But, I have lived my life with good values that I believe in and I hope You have found me a child that have made You proud."

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