Friday, November 11, 2011

Ellen and her Hawaii chair

Exercise is good, but many of us are not doing it.

Isn't it good if we can all exercise while doing our work?
Good idea, but it may not work as you expect.

I just saw this on you tube, which is on Ellen a while back.  Very very funny.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Photo shots of different width

How fun, just found out that I can take shots with different width.  it can print to an A2 paper, then A3, postcard and then for email. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

YouTube Challenge - I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy (Must Watch)

This is really funny.

The challenge was for the parents to tell their kids that they have eaten all their Halloween candy.  As expected, most kids cry. 

But, there are a couple of reactions that are really really funny.  You must watch this.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Interesting Chinese Slang

Learn some interesting chinese slang.

二 (numeric 2 in Chinese)

Direct translation of 很二 = very 2... What? What? What?  What is that?
Wa ha ha... isn't that confusing.  Believe it or not, 很二 means stupid, not intelligent.
二百伍 (Two Hundren and Five)
Now, Have a guess of what 二百伍 means.
Wa Ha ha.... again, it is Stupid, not sharp or intelligent.

强 (Strong)
The word 强 alone = Strong.
It also means 好 (Good).
Do you know what 小强 means?
Guess what, it refers to cockroach.  It actually started from a Hong Kong comedy show. The 小强 is a pet of a lawyer of the comedy show.

Some text message in Chinese.
874:某人874了,翻译为某人爸被气死了 (Annoyed by father)
9494:就是!就是! (That's right - agreeing with someone)
BMW:长舌妇女 (Big Mouth Woman , ie, Sticky Nose, Busy body)

Interesting, isn't it?