Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Interesting Chinese Slang

Learn some interesting chinese slang.

二 (numeric 2 in Chinese)

Direct translation of 很二 = very 2... What? What? What?  What is that?
Wa ha ha... isn't that confusing.  Believe it or not, 很二 means stupid, not intelligent.
二百伍 (Two Hundren and Five)
Now, Have a guess of what 二百伍 means.
Wa Ha ha.... again, it is Stupid, not sharp or intelligent.

强 (Strong)
The word 强 alone = Strong.
It also means 好 (Good).
Do you know what 小强 means?
Guess what, it refers to cockroach.  It actually started from a Hong Kong comedy show. The 小强 is a pet of a lawyer of the comedy show.

Some text message in Chinese.
874:某人874了,翻译为某人爸被气死了 (Annoyed by father)
9494:就是!就是! (That's right - agreeing with someone)
BMW:长舌妇女 (Big Mouth Woman , ie, Sticky Nose, Busy body)

Interesting, isn't it?

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