Friday, October 15, 2010

Bullied gay teen - please hang on

A very moving speech by a city councilman in Forth Worth, Texas, pleading gay teens not to commit suicide... and ....please live long enough to create beautiful memories of their own.

Online: Burns' video on YouTube:

It is a very touching speech and ............ YES, I cannot agree more that bullying at school must stop.  It should be a place that children and teens feel safe to go everyday, learning and be loved.

It is painful for families who lose their love ones.  I wonder how the bully can live their lives thinking the pain that they have caused. 
We cannot deny the fact that some bullies are young, and they may not have thought the words they used, action that they took, can be so Cruel, Painful, Unbearable.... and in the end... cause someone to think that it is better to leave the world.
It is very sad that we need someone to lose their life and many enough, before we all realise that "No, it is not ok.".

For teens who happens to join the bully and read this post.  
- No, you don't need to be one of them to be popular at school.
- No, you don't need to be one of them to feel strong and be liked.
- Yes, we may not agree or understand what we see, especially things that are different to values we were taught since young, but you have no rights to hurt anyone intentionally.  We need to keep an open mind.
- No one in this world is exactly the same.  Even if you find him/her, I bet there is something you don't like/agree.

We are different in every way and please open your mind and heart to accept the fact that We Are Different and It is OK.

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