Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bad day with teens

There are reasons some kids and teens drive me nuts nowadays. 

They have NO RESPECT to the authority in family.

You say what you like.  They do what they like.

You don't need to give them their rights, they just claim it whenever they like. 

You can set the house rules, they HEAR you and IGNORE.

They INFORM you they will be out and late though you have set the time they need to be back. 

A text message is what you get.  You have no idea where they go, what they do, who they are with, what time they will be back.

Just a message and you have no say.

You could be a fool thinking that you can patiently talk to them and work out a plan.... NO... Foolish idea.
You could be a fool expressing that you care for their safety.   Again... Foolish idea.  Who cares whether you worry or care.

Are they bad?  Probably not.

Have they done anything wrong?  No drugs, no drinking... they will say no, they just give themselves their own rights to enjoy late outing with friends..... 

Do they care about those at home who care for them?  May be ? ? ?  Just not enought for them to do what you want  because they believe they know it all, Nothing bad will happen, they can take care of themselves and are entitled for good fun.

Interesting enough, when they decide to go out late, have funs, drink and drive, they are grown up.  They are never a grown up to cook dinner, doing houseworks or offering help at home.  Not even the simple task like taking out the rubbish.

This is when we say.... Communication Gap , Generation Gap.... whatever it is, don't expect them to do what you want. 

There is a funny chinese joke : "It is better to give birth to barbecue pork, at least I can eat it..."

Awfully frustrating.

1 comment:

  1. Why bother with other's people's kids? Let go and let them grow up.
