Saturday, April 9, 2011

I can be nice, you are free not to take it

My niece enjoys lying on her bed, keeping up close to her laptop to watch movies/read ebooks, sometimes, even in the dark. 
After multiple attempts of reminding her it is bad for her eyes, i have decided to buy her a study table and chair.  Back in my mind, I hope she appreciate the present and take good care of her eyes. 

The day when the new study table and chair arrive she saw them, but ask no questions. 

I: "I bought you a new table and chair, don't you like them?"
Niece: "That's ok...."

I : "Do you need help to bring them to your room?"
Niece: "No, I will do it after my interview next Monday."

A few days after the interview, the study table and chair are still in the living room...
Thinking that she might be too tired after her fish and chips job at night, I decided to move the study table and chair to her room for her.
I : "I have moved the table and chair for you.."
Niece: "I have a different idea on how I want to place it...."

After a couple of weeks, the table and chair remain where they were and I saw my niece still lying on her bed... still keeping up close to her laptop... still do it in the dark.
I : "Why don't you use the table and chair?  It is really bad for your eyes..."
Niece: "It is more comfortable to lie on the bed...'
I : "Do you use the table and chair at all?"
Niece: "Seldom...."

I :"What are you watching?
Niece: " I am reading ebooks.."

After a few silence moment.....

Niece: "Are you bored? Don't you have something to do? You are bothering me"
I : "I quite like the table, if you don't need it, I will move it to my room.."
Niece: "Ya... go ahead."

Rather than being upset with the unappreciative action and comments, I choose to enjoy the new study table and chair and put them to good use. 

I choose to let go that I can't make her take good care of her eyes. After all, she is an adult, isn't it?

The morale of the story is:
You can be nice and do all you want with good intentions, but it does not mean it will be appeciated or needed.  So, don't be upset with it. 
We choose to be nice, to help, to offer and to worry for someone because we want to.  The other party has the option to accept or not to.   So....... no hard feelings.

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