Sunday, November 29, 2009

Animated Email

Do you like to have a bit of fun with emails?  If so, you may want to explore

On the home page, there is a summary of the fun features.  What you need to do is simply downloading the basic version of the software (free).  I like having the fun of adding cartoon animation into my email and receiving a cute alert when an email arrive.  There are also ecards if you are interested.

You can select your own background for the mail, insert image and photos, it is just fun.

Hope you like it.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chinese Food site

Do you like Chinese cooking?  If so, you should take a look at

At the home page, you have the option to choose a language you like, although the default language is Mandarin.  You can then explore menu for different chinese recipes.

My favourite is the soup sections.  I have been buying chinese soup in packs, which has very limited selection.  With this website, I can search for soup for specific needs.  Some actually has clear explanation of what the ingredience is for. 

Hope you like it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Greeting Cards

Chrismas is coming.  Although I miss receiving mails, ecard is great creation for people like me.  I never send out greeting cards early enough to arrive on time.

Anyway, I just visited  It has many pictures to select.  What you need to do is simply:
1. Click on the picture you like
2. Enter the from and to email address
3. Enter a message
4. Click send and the ecard will be sent right away.

Have ago with it.  It is easy.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is it important

I have recently moved into a new office in an old building.

The first day when I get into the lift, I notice that the "B" for basement has faded. 3 days later, while I was in the lift, I saw that the "B" for basement is there. Thinking in my mind, "wow" that's quick service to have it fix.

Well, I found out a month later that as the building have 2 lifts, I was actually taken 2 different lifts.

Hmm...... are you thinking : man.. how can you not knowing you are in 2 different lifts? Well, I seriously don't because it is not important to me.

M friend Kiddy find it rediculous and unbelievable. To me, as long as I have a place to stay, food to eat, vehicles to travel, clothes to wear and most importantly $$$ to spend, why would I bother about such trivia thing..... "in a different lift?"

Being in different lift could be trivia. However, have you been really busy at work that you haven't taken notice the people/things that are supposed to be important?

Look around, you might see your wife/hisband/family members being lonely coach potato while you are so engaged with your busy life.

Asking opinions

Do you often seek opinions from others? I do it all the time. Why? I know what I don't want, but, I am not sure whether I can get what I am actually looking for. Does it sound familiar to you?

I have been searching for a property for my own occupied more than a year. The property price is sky high. My initial plan was to have a 2 rooms apartment, and then I have to downsize it to 1 room, and now.... I can possibly afford a nice studio.

So, it is now a question of affordability vs what I think it is actually worth and what I want.

I have recently spoken to Kiddy, my friend, again about buying property for my own occupied. Yes, again......

Gimmy: Oh man........ the one room apartment is costing 400k . It is just crazy. I was told studio is more popular now but I really like to have a room.

Kiddy: You have the deposits, why not just buy a studio as an investment and sell it later. I don't know what you are waiting for.

The question is:
- I am not looking for an investment property, however, that could be a good option.
- I want to have my own place, no renting any more.
- I want to have a place with security entrance, a secure car spot, a place that I don't have to spend hours going to work due to traffic.
- I like to have privacy and therefore there should be at least a bedroom.

But.... I cannot afford.

So, do you think asking opinions help?

Do you notice that some people who give opinion ends up more emotional and seems to get upset when you don't do what they want? That's right, they are upset ????????
I think they forget I am the one who face the problem and it is what I want, not them? Sounds familiar?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Burger Shop 2 - Fun to play

I enjoy playing time management game. It is easily addicted and it is hard to stop. Knowing that I have to work tomorrow does not make much difference. Well, I am not the only one and sure will never be the last.

My latest toy is "Burger Shop 2". Although it is called "Burger Shop", you cook and serve more than just burger, which is in the previous version. There are steaks, sandwiches, drinks, baked potatos etc.

Basically, customers with different character come in and place orders for different breakfast and lunch. You will be asked to serve these customers quickly or they will storm off. The best thing is you can always replay any stages you like. There are story mode, expert mode and relax mode.

It is a game well developed and I never have problem with any mouse click that it does not do its job. The challenge is to plan, be observant, get the right ingredience quickly at the right place and ensure all customers are served on time.

I nearly finish the "Story mode" with efforts to achieve "Perfect" score. It is fun and I think I will be busy for the next 2 weeks.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Inspirational Quote - B

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness set in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.
(Elisabeth Kubler-Ross : Swiss-born American psychiatrist)

Source: The complete pocket positives (Compiled by Maggie Pinkney and Barbara Whiter) >

Inspirational Quote - A

If you have accomplished all that you have planned for yourself, you have not planned enough.
(Edward Everett Hale : 1822-1909)

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe
(Anatole France : 1844-1924)

Take an attitude of a student.  Never be too big to ask questions.  Never know too much to ask something new.
(Og Mandino : American author)

Nothing make it good or bad but thinking make it so.
(William Shakespeare : 1564-1616 - English dramatist and poet)

Source: The complete pocket positives (Compiled by Maggie Pinkney and Barbara Whiter)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Inpirational Quotes - L

Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it, is what make the difference.

Ego wants to get and forget,
Love wants to give and forget.
(Sai Baba : Indian Spiritual Master)

Immature love says "I love you because I need you"
Mature love says "I need you because I love you"
(Erich Fromm : 1900-1980 - America phycoanalyst)Source: The complete pocket positives (Compiled by Maggie Pinkney and Barbara Whiter)

Inpirational Quotes - C

The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said.
(Peter Drucker)

Confidences is realising that although you aren't the best at something, you still enjoy doing it.

In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different
(Coco Chanel)

Curosity is a gift, a capacity of pleasure in knowing, which if you destroy, you make yourselves cold and dull.
(John Ruskin 1819-1900 English author and art critic)

Source: The complete pocket positives (Compiled by Maggie Pinkney and Barbara Whiter)

Murray River

Cloudy Blue Sky - EP1

Have you been woking late and missing the cloudy blue sky? Hope you like this.......