Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is it important

I have recently moved into a new office in an old building.

The first day when I get into the lift, I notice that the "B" for basement has faded. 3 days later, while I was in the lift, I saw that the "B" for basement is there. Thinking in my mind, "wow" that's quick service to have it fix.

Well, I found out a month later that as the building have 2 lifts, I was actually taken 2 different lifts.

Hmm...... are you thinking : man.. how can you not knowing you are in 2 different lifts? Well, I seriously don't because it is not important to me.

M friend Kiddy find it rediculous and unbelievable. To me, as long as I have a place to stay, food to eat, vehicles to travel, clothes to wear and most importantly $$$ to spend, why would I bother about such trivia thing..... "in a different lift?"

Being in different lift could be trivia. However, have you been really busy at work that you haven't taken notice the people/things that are supposed to be important?

Look around, you might see your wife/hisband/family members being lonely coach potato while you are so engaged with your busy life.

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