Sunday, April 25, 2010

It does not have to be logical

(A) Moth

One groomy friday, as usual, I went back to office for our weekly meeting.  In our meeting room, there were more than 10 moths flying in the room.  Some colleagues were really hesistate to go into the room.  I found it really funny seeing some of their reactions when they got scared by the moth that just stop by the side of the table. 
When I shared with my housemate my funny story, she said: "If you are scared of something, the size does not matter.  Eg:, It does not mean you will not be scared of little tiger just because it is little."

You Cannot Explain Fear Logically.

(B) Complement
In a gathering,  a Mummy in her forties was chatting with her Son (age 15)  as usual.  A nice complement came for the mum: "You look very young and you both look like sister and brother.  You look as if you are aged 30."
Like every women who receives the complement, Mummy was very happy.

If you think of it logically, if Mummy looks like 30, the Son must look slightly mature than his age.  After all, he is only 15.  So, while Mummy enjoys the complement, don't forget what it reflects on the Son.

It is just a complement, it is not supposed to be explained logically.  I think the whole complement fails when a specific age was referred.

Anyway, I was laughing my head off while teasing the Mummy that when she enjoys her nice complement, don't forget that may not be a complement for the Son.

You Cannot Explain Complement Logically.

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