Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I grow up being taught that when we see someone, we say:
"How are you?"
"Good morning", "Good Afternoon", "Good Evening"
"Long time no see, how have you been?"

Nice greeting with real care to people around us.

However, the world has changed, I find :

1. Greeting with no feelings
Mr A goes to office, see his collegue, saying "Good morning" with his heads down, no smile, nothing. 

What a mechanic greeting.  What is the point when you greet someone with no feelings?

2. Greeting with expecation
John goes to office, see Mr A, says "Good morning".  Mr A continues working with his head down with no response.
John says: "Aren't you are going to say Good morning?" Fine, I will ignore you next time.

We should greet because we care and we wish someone has a good day, not expecting any return. What is the point of greeting when it becomes a standard procedure?

I heard a story before, I can't really remember the source.
Lisa has a flower shop.  Every morning, Mr Brumpy passes by her shop.  She always greet him, "Good morning, Mr Brumpy, have a nice day".  Unfortunately, Mr Brumpy never response.  However, Lisa keeps doing it.

One day, Lisa's brother asks: "Why do you keep greeting him when he doesn't bother to response?  That is very rude of him."

Lisa replies, I greet because I would like to wish Mr Brumpy a good day.  It does not matter whether he responses.

That's right.  We greet because we want to.  If we always do things with expectation of return, it probably means we all are so busy with our life, we learn to be so self-focus and we forget the greatness of sharing, giving and loving.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha.. good story to share. Sounds familiar though. :)
