Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Communication online

Internet is a great creation.  Majority of us at least use it an hour or two a day.

We read news, research, email, go to facebook, and drop a few lines for friends...   you name it.  It has become so important in our life.

If you ask a question of: what do you do on your day off, you normally get an answer like, sleeping in, shopping, suffing the net etc etc. 

Interesting enough, I just type 'what to do on day off', the list just goes on for more than 12 pages.  Not that we spend time defining what is day off, but rather, many of us post our stories and thoughts online.

Instead of catching up with friends after work or study, we need some quiet time, thinking time, relaxing time.  Reading other blogs allows us to share same interests, frustration, solutions.  It opens the social network for the less outgoing fellows.  We can think twice before posting comments and erase it as and when we want.

Althought it is easy and convenient, remember to stay in touch with real people around you.

When your husband/wife/partner/girlfriend/boyfriend are complaining that you spend too much time on the net, it is time for you start communicating.   Of course, never never call him/her a whinger.....  before you know it............  TROUBLES COME...........

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