Thursday, July 22, 2010

You and Relationships (The Circles - by Kerry Armstrong)

I have recently read a book "The Circles" by Kerry Armstrong, and would like to share that with you.  It is a tiny little book with only a few lines each page and easy to follow.

If you are puzzled about life and confused with relationships around you, this is a simple guide to sort out your feelings.  There are seven circles and you slowly putting down the names of people in your life according to where they fit in.  There is no right or wrong answer, just go with your instincts and sort out your feelings with people arounds you.  It is about You.

Below are some wise statements in the book that I would like to share and hope to encourage you to read the book for yourself :

"Sometimes we take people who love us for granted and spend more energy trying to please or impress new and exciting people".

"Benefit others.  If you can't benefit others, at least don't harm them." (Dalai Lama).

"I just had to realise how to not only be me, but how to let myself be.. and let everyone else in my life just be".

"We all want to feel good about ourselves........  Sometimes, how we feel about ourselves depends on how we let other people affect us...... Belonging to a group where you feel afraid to be yourself can be unsettling, sometimes even humiliatiing".

"You may end up feeling lonelier with the wrong people than you did on your own.... "

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