Tuesday, March 4, 2014

When I am dealing with a Smart Ass

My project manager and I have been having meetings with Client A who needs some reports work done for their financial systems.

As their transactional data is not captured in the way that is best for reporting, we have meetings for requirements gathering, brain storming and trying to provide solutions for their data and reporting. 

I just have all these in my mind while listening to her and I hope I never need to deal with her again and ever....  Unfortunately, life is not so ideal...

"My god.... what a smartass, can you just stop and listen before answering?"

"Could you just let me finish...?"

"Come on... Let's keep an open mind and assess which options will suit..."

"Do you know the meaning of communication....google it, mate.. There is listening and talking both ways not just you talking..."

"If paper can talk, why would we need you in the meeting?  Stop saying you want to change way of working.. but not listening.. don't want to commit to go through your current process... We are here to help...only if you allow us."

"Mate...  if you just want to listen to yourself... not interested in any ideas... may be you should just do it yourself..."

"Give me a remote control that I can just mute her..Geeeeeee"

"Well, if you don't even want to lift a finger, then you need to be ready to pay, you know....Smartass"

"What... what... No...................  I have to see you next week..."

"Oh No...................  I have to put up with all these crap again..."

God... let me win the Lotto and I don't need to deal with this again..

Did anyone say be professional...... ya right... God Help Me...

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