Saturday, December 10, 2011

Billing Like You Are Running Your Own Business

I just attended our company consultant yearly seminar.  Every year, we have multiple speakers and our company top performer is on the list this year.  Let's call him Joe.

One of the trick that Joe shared is value billing. 
Eg: A client approaches him with a problem and a report can be developed to provide information to the client. Joe will sit down and ask himself the question.  "If I were the client, how much is this report worth to me? How much value will it add to my business?" 
If it is worth 10 hours, he bills 10 hours.

I agree with his concept.  If you go to a specialist, you pay for the price because you are paying for the expertise.

It gets more interesting here.

A client approaches him with a problem and he thinks a program needs to be developed. He thinks it is worth 30 hours.  He goes to our company programmer John and ask how much it will take to develop the program.
John : "This program will take 15 hours"
Joe : "Can you do it with 12?"

As you can see, Joe is negotiating for lower cost.  Hang on, isn't it worth 30 hours?  That's right, if John agree to 12, then Joe will be earning 18 hours. 

From Joe's point of view, it is all business.  He is making money with value billing, he makes use of the resources available to him, negotiate for lower cost and earn the margin.

Anything wrong with that?  I think it is the perception.  The first thing that come to my mind is:
"What a ripped off"
"We can't trust this guy"
"He is not a team player, he is the crocodile"

Having a second thought, it is all business with this guy.

We have always been told, it is hard to close a deal, because it is a competitive market and the client is not willing to pay.  So, whenever we are asked to lower our quote, the perception is, we need to lower it to win the deal. 

So, the trick is, when you are dealing with Joe, you need to think like he is.  You are a specialist and you are going to negotiate based on what you think the product is worth. 

I am not sure whether it is going to work if every consultants in the company is practising the same, because you will be second guessing whether he is hiding the hours from you.  After all, everyone wants to meet his target and earn his commission.  If you take it personally, there will be less trust between colleagues.

It is all business and therefore, Joe is sharing his trick honestly and openly.  He is not the real crocodile, he is just running his own business.

It is an interesting topic to look at, isn't it?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Ellen and her Hawaii chair

Exercise is good, but many of us are not doing it.

Isn't it good if we can all exercise while doing our work?
Good idea, but it may not work as you expect.

I just saw this on you tube, which is on Ellen a while back.  Very very funny.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Photo shots of different width

How fun, just found out that I can take shots with different width.  it can print to an A2 paper, then A3, postcard and then for email. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

YouTube Challenge - I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy (Must Watch)

This is really funny.

The challenge was for the parents to tell their kids that they have eaten all their Halloween candy.  As expected, most kids cry. 

But, there are a couple of reactions that are really really funny.  You must watch this.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Interesting Chinese Slang

Learn some interesting chinese slang.

二 (numeric 2 in Chinese)

Direct translation of 很二 = very 2... What? What? What?  What is that?
Wa ha ha... isn't that confusing.  Believe it or not, 很二 means stupid, not intelligent.
二百伍 (Two Hundren and Five)
Now, Have a guess of what 二百伍 means.
Wa Ha ha.... again, it is Stupid, not sharp or intelligent.

强 (Strong)
The word 强 alone = Strong.
It also means 好 (Good).
Do you know what 小强 means?
Guess what, it refers to cockroach.  It actually started from a Hong Kong comedy show. The 小强 is a pet of a lawyer of the comedy show.

Some text message in Chinese.
874:某人874了,翻译为某人爸被气死了 (Annoyed by father)
9494:就是!就是! (That's right - agreeing with someone)
BMW:长舌妇女 (Big Mouth Woman , ie, Sticky Nose, Busy body)

Interesting, isn't it?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Games of Luck

When you heard about gambling problem, do you think that it will never happen to you?

The fact is, it is hard to stay sensible and it takes real sense of control when it comes to Game of Luck.

Just this week, there was a 22 mil mega draw.  Normally, I just buy Quick Pick, with minimum game, cost me less than $10.
With this 22 mil mega draw, I have decided to play Quick Pick System 9, which is equivalent to 81 games, cost me around $55.
The idea is, I only need minimum 1 number + 2 supplements, would at least get me around $12 for one win and there are 6 numbers for the combination out of the 9.

Just to be safe, I buy a normal Quick Pick of 12 games, cost me another $10.
Cool, great investment, I thought.

Believe it or not, there are 14 winners for the 22 mil, I am not one of them.  In total, there are around 1.4 mil winnders and again, I am not one of them.

How disappointing..... 

To be honest, I was a little desperate.  I wanted to change job and get some free money for buying a small property.  I got a little desperate as I have been job hunting for a while, but can't seem to find a job I like.  I am desperate to leave the current job.  In 2 months time,  it will be Company Christmas dinner, and I am not even looking forward to that.

All this add up to the desperation, and guess what, I thought I cannot be that unlucky. 

No, no, no......  That is the self-created trap. 

Keep in mind, you can try your luck... but, if you get suck into encouragement of winning small $ and then hoping for the Big Windfall, before you know, you would have spent too much.

Just a small calculation. $10 * 52 weeks = $520, $50 * 52 = $2600, which covers nearly 2 months of groceries.

So, think again.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Are people as nice as they seem to be

I have worked in the current company for > 5 years.  People come and go, just not my turn yet.

I have not been very happy with current work environment because I believe there is a lot of handballing and my colleague are not as nice as they are seen.

I found being put on the spot by someone who everyone thinks he is nice and willing to help.

Bernard is an experience consultant and has been promoted to a manager within 2 years after joining the company. He is well presented, excellent consultant and Mr Nice in everyone's eyes.

I was never involved in the implementation project for client XYZ. One day, I was invited by Bernard to sit in a meeting for a presentation of an accounting systems to a client's management. 

During the meeting, the following conversation took place.

Financial Controller (FC): Bernard and I have been working on this sales report and we are combining information A, B C into one.

Director: I need the budget information to be included.  When I can have it?

FC: Bernard, when can we have it.  This week?

Bernard: I am working on it and will make it available soon.

FC: Do you think it will be available this week?  Can we have it on Friday?

Bernard: Jenny(me) and I are working on it. 

FC: So, Friday is ok?

Bernard:  Jenny... what is your schedule, do you have time to look into it?

Me????? What is that to do with me???
I just look at him, silent, and then I said, let's see.

Anyway, at the end of the meeting, I said " Bernard, if you need me to look at the report, I may be available in 2 days time, I will try to finish off the job on my hand now and try to make myself available."

Bernard: That's ok, I should be able to handle that. 

What ????  So, he does not need help.....   just try to hand the ball to someone to save his bloody own skin.

Since then, I am annoyed to see my boss and others still thinking high on him.  He is still handling client XYZ, he is still doing well with all the billable hours, he still can handball when he does not like to do certain things.  Guess what, there are people who still pick up the ball.

You know what.... in ideal world, the perfect man will be liked and successful.
In the real world, you can get away if you have good relationships with the right people.

Bloody disgusting.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Make it happen

It is easy to get suck into the thinking of: "I can't chase my dream because......".

Well, if you want it enough, you will make it happen. 

It is easier to take the easy way out... but the fact is no pain no gain.

The logic is simple.  We breathe because if we don't, we die.  As simple as that.

Let's look at the following:
1. They are the "singers" that stand out, entertained the audience, without actually singing.
Please meet IUV.

2. He is 53 and is a great and non-ordinary dancer.
One of my favourite.

3. He has such a great talent and passion in singing thou he has been alone since 5.

I hope you enjoy the above links and have it as a good reminder when things does not go as plan.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

非诚勿扰 Chinese match making entertainment

I came across this match making program in Chinese. Participants are mainly Chinese from all across China but also expats working there.
The host 孟非 has great sense of humor and really knowledgeable.
It is different and a great show to watch.

(If you are the one) 非诚勿扰是江苏卫视一档适应现代生活节奏的大型婚恋交友节目,为广大单身男女提供公开的婚恋


(a) 非诚勿扰 20110417 PART 4
This American is really good in saying the right thing.

(b) 非诚勿扰 20110710 4/5
Sincerity says it all

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is God there

Most of us experience ups and downs in our life. 

If someone says: "Life is always fantastic.  Everythings is perfect and I have no problem at all.".  Although he might be the luckiest human in the world, the chance is, he has the right attitude for life.

Have a look at this youtube clip from Korea Got Talent.  He is an orphant and have been living on the street since 5.  I am not sure if there is God, but I believe there is always blessing from the Higher Power.

If everythings go as what we expect without any challenge, I bet we will be bored.  Most of us just take things as granted.

Mary: "Why God let the disasters happen?  Why are there earthquake that kills millions of people? Where is God when all these happen?  Shouldn't HE protect us from all these?"

Answer: "I don't know.  But, it is fantastic to see people offering their helps to those who suffer.  It is a reminder that there are good and generous people out there when you are disappointed by those you met in your life."

Mary: "Is there really God?  Where is HE?  Which is the religion with the real God?  Why do I see those who pray and claim they practise the God's rules are in wars, saying mean things, being violent?"

 Answer: "I don't know.  What I know is, I set my own values and do the best of my life for doing the right and good things.
- I choose not to speak evil. 
- I choose to hold my temper rather than throwing mean words that hurt others. 
- I choose to speak my mind and accept that it may not be accepted. 
- I choose to put on my favourite songs on bad days and start a new day with positive thinking."

If there is God and if I ever see Him one day, I will say:
"I have not been to church/temple and sing any praises.  I never know if there is a real God and I don't know why life has to be so complicated. 

I don't know why disasters happen, why bullying happens, why some have to commit suicide to send strong messages to the bullies and yet bullying still happen, why there are discrimination on those who seem different.

I felt rediculous to say I repend on Sunday and then go back to my old way and feel sorry.

But, I have lived my life with good values that I believe in and I hope You have found me a child that have made You proud."

Monday, July 11, 2011

Cantonese Slang

If you have some Hong Kong friends or watch Hong Kong movies, you will notice  that they come up with interesting and funny slang, which you can't find in the dictionary.

I never expect myself to learn Cantonese from a non-asian, but Carlos is real good.  Some interesting link in you tube:

(a) Gwing囧! - Word of the Week featuring MISSYAU!

(b) CHOK樣- Cantonese Word of the Week!

(c) AM I 電車男? (DinCheLaam) - Cantonese Word of the Week!! (C-WOW)

(d) 事業線, the Secret to Success?? - Cantonese Word of the Week

Interesting, isn't it?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Useful websites - Food and Cleaning

I have been surfing the net in the past hours trying to find some interesting Chinese Food website.  There are thousands out there, but has really caught my eyes.

It is well organised and easy to follow.  The bonus  - I found more than what I bargain for.  There are many more like be green cleaning tips and beauty tips.

If you want to save some times in searching for normal household and recipes tips, it is a good place to start.

If you are interested in finding out how useful baking soda and white vinegar are, have a go with the following links:

(a) 75 uses of baking soda -

(b) 1001 use of white distilled vinegar

Hei..........  what about good food in Melbourne.  Enjoy this site  Many good food photos.  Yummy.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nothing... Nothing much... Nothing special... I don't know

A mother asks her child
Mother: What are you doing?
Child: Nothing.

I am doing something, but you are not to know.

A sister saw her siblings laughing out loud on the phone.
Sister: What's so funny?  Anything interesting?
Sibling: Nothing much.

It is funny but you don't need to know

A friend made a nice chicken meal for the dinner
Me: Wow, that is delicious.  What's in it?
Friend:  Oh... nothing special.  Just the normal stuff.  Little bits of salt, onions, this... and that and that.

It is delicious... I know... But, sorry, secret recipe and I am not ready to share that with you.

Any guesses of what is the most convenient answer to give? 
That's right.... I Don't Know

Where is the vacum cleaner?  I don't know.....

Where is your little brother?   I don't know.....

What else do you know? 


If you are lucky, you will be left alone at least for the next half a day.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jokes - Funny vs Not Funny

Have you wonder only professionals are really good at telling jokes like Ben Price from Australia Got Talent 2011 ?

Actually no. You just need to have the sense of humor and it needs to make sense to your audience.
See the link below for Interview with Dalai Lama from 7pm project from Channel 10 vs Channel 9.

I don't get Karl's joke either.  What is so funny?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Brotherhood bookstore - charity


If you love readings, like collecting books within budget, why not visit

Brotherhood Books is a new Social Enterprise from the Brotherhood of St Laurence designed to encourage the recycling of high quality books and to contribute funds to its charitable operations.

100% of the profits from Brotherhood Books will go towards the Brotherhood of St Laurence’s work in helping disadvantaged people build better lives.

About the Brotherhood of St Laurence
Since the 1930s the Brotherhood of St Laurence has been working for an Australia free of poverty through its research, services and advocacy. The Brotherhood campaigns for change to break the cycle of poverty and develops forward-looking programs for disadvantaged people, which are often then adopted by other community organisations and governments

Spend some time on the site and I hope you can find the book you are interested and contribute to the organisation.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Youtube clips that make my day

1. You will love them thou they are not Lady Gaga

2. Funniest kid on youtube that sing beatles songs.

3. Steven Hall on Britain Got Talent.
He is not the best dancer but he gets his audience.  His talent is not technical dancing, but, it is his ability to combine all the music, put them together and dance on it.  Needless to say, the ability to entertain and bring big smile to the audience.

Enjoy this.
4. Ever wonder IT Engineer is boring and cannot sing? Think again.

5. Make the loved one proud with their talents.

6. IUV Korea Got Talent

7. This is strange but fascinating.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Living at home like hotel

I wake up this morning, thinking about why sometimes parents tell their kids off by saying:”Do you think you are staying in a hotel ????.

In fact, there are similarities when we take things as granted.
At Home: 24 hours access with a key, anytime you want, as long as you are the member of the house.

At Hotel: 24 hours access with a key, anytime you want, as long as you are the customer of the hotel.

At Home: You walk in your room, do your own thing, no speaking to anyone, though there COULD BE SOMEONE at home.  Anyway, it does not matter.

At Hotel: You walk in your room, do you own thing, no speaking to anyone, and there is NO ONE anyway.  Anyway, it does not matter.

At Home: You go to the kitchen, if dinner is there, you have it.  If not, you make your own dinner.  Either way, dirty dishes stay in the sink.  There is always someone to make dinner and clean the mess.

At Hotel: You call your room service, have your dinner, leaving the dirty dishes out the door.  There is always someone to make dinner and clean the mess.
At Home: It never crosses your mind the need to do any housework.  Mum/siblings will do it.  Better still, some will have their maids to do it.

At Hotel: It never crosses your mind the need to make your bed and tidy up your room.  There is always hotel staff to do it.

At Home: You don't take rubbish out.  It could be full with awful smells but it stays where it is with its lit.  Someone will empty it at their own time.

At Hotel: You don't take rubbish out. It could be full with awful smells. But it stays where it is with its lit, the housekeeping staffs will empty it with set schedule.

At Home: You do what you like, anytime you want.  There is no need to report to anyone. You may just INFORM your parents you will be late, only if you want to.

At Hotel: You do what you like, anytime you want.  There is no need to report to anyone.  You just INFORM the hotel staff to keep message for you, only if you want to. 

Interesting... isn't it?

Bad day with teens

There are reasons some kids and teens drive me nuts nowadays. 

They have NO RESPECT to the authority in family.

You say what you like.  They do what they like.

You don't need to give them their rights, they just claim it whenever they like. 

You can set the house rules, they HEAR you and IGNORE.

They INFORM you they will be out and late though you have set the time they need to be back. 

A text message is what you get.  You have no idea where they go, what they do, who they are with, what time they will be back.

Just a message and you have no say.

You could be a fool thinking that you can patiently talk to them and work out a plan.... NO... Foolish idea.
You could be a fool expressing that you care for their safety.   Again... Foolish idea.  Who cares whether you worry or care.

Are they bad?  Probably not.

Have they done anything wrong?  No drugs, no drinking... they will say no, they just give themselves their own rights to enjoy late outing with friends..... 

Do they care about those at home who care for them?  May be ? ? ?  Just not enought for them to do what you want  because they believe they know it all, Nothing bad will happen, they can take care of themselves and are entitled for good fun.

Interesting enough, when they decide to go out late, have funs, drink and drive, they are grown up.  They are never a grown up to cook dinner, doing houseworks or offering help at home.  Not even the simple task like taking out the rubbish.

This is when we say.... Communication Gap , Generation Gap.... whatever it is, don't expect them to do what you want. 

There is a funny chinese joke : "It is better to give birth to barbecue pork, at least I can eat it..."

Awfully frustrating.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I can be nice, you are free not to take it

My niece enjoys lying on her bed, keeping up close to her laptop to watch movies/read ebooks, sometimes, even in the dark. 
After multiple attempts of reminding her it is bad for her eyes, i have decided to buy her a study table and chair.  Back in my mind, I hope she appreciate the present and take good care of her eyes. 

The day when the new study table and chair arrive she saw them, but ask no questions. 

I: "I bought you a new table and chair, don't you like them?"
Niece: "That's ok...."

I : "Do you need help to bring them to your room?"
Niece: "No, I will do it after my interview next Monday."

A few days after the interview, the study table and chair are still in the living room...
Thinking that she might be too tired after her fish and chips job at night, I decided to move the study table and chair to her room for her.
I : "I have moved the table and chair for you.."
Niece: "I have a different idea on how I want to place it...."

After a couple of weeks, the table and chair remain where they were and I saw my niece still lying on her bed... still keeping up close to her laptop... still do it in the dark.
I : "Why don't you use the table and chair?  It is really bad for your eyes..."
Niece: "It is more comfortable to lie on the bed...'
I : "Do you use the table and chair at all?"
Niece: "Seldom...."

I :"What are you watching?
Niece: " I am reading ebooks.."

After a few silence moment.....

Niece: "Are you bored? Don't you have something to do? You are bothering me"
I : "I quite like the table, if you don't need it, I will move it to my room.."
Niece: "Ya... go ahead."

Rather than being upset with the unappreciative action and comments, I choose to enjoy the new study table and chair and put them to good use. 

I choose to let go that I can't make her take good care of her eyes. After all, she is an adult, isn't it?

The morale of the story is:
You can be nice and do all you want with good intentions, but it does not mean it will be appeciated or needed.  So, don't be upset with it. 
We choose to be nice, to help, to offer and to worry for someone because we want to.  The other party has the option to accept or not to.   So....... no hard feelings.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Inspirational Quote - L


Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
(Peter F. Drucker)

A leader takes people where they want to go.  A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be.
(Rosalynn Carter)

Effective leadership is putting first things first.  Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.
(Stephen Covey)

Inspirational Quote - H


It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Inspiration - Quote A


Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.
(Malcolm S. Forbes)

Asking the right questions takes as much skill as giving the right answers.
(Robert Half 1947-2007)


The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.
(Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919)

Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do.
(Johann Wolfgang van Goethe)

Any supervisor worth his salt would rather deal with people who attempt too much than with those who try too little.
(Lee Iacocca)

People are always blaming circumstances for what they are.  I don't believe in circumstances.  The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and it they can't find them, make them.
(George Bernald Shaw 1856-1950)


To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Encouragement for the day


Many of us feel down at times.  Relationships, works, studies and most importantly life....  nothing seems to work.  It is hard and you have this little thought in your mind, thinking that it is just easier to give up.

I would like to encourage you to watch this clip about Nick Vujicic

Will it change your life?  Only you can answer this question.  We all have the choice of making it work for us, or hang on to the negative thoughts that exhaust us. 

It is a clip I think will really stay in our mind and be a reminder of doing things differently in our life.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Beauty of Music (2 voice in 1 from Thailand got talent)

Have a look at this clip from youtube.

What a beauty of music - no gender, no nations, no religion, just beautiful singing.  Nothing is impossible and it is so great that she/he receives the fantansic positive attention.

That is how the world should be.... Proud to be who we are and support each other for being who we really are.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Malaysia Prime Minister's wife - insentive comment to Japan disaster

There is a heated discussion of the wife of Malaysia's Prime Minister, Rosmah Mansor's insensitive comment that "the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan is a lesson to them to build buildings that are eco-friendly and green.

..... that Japan should do research into their environment before proceeding with any kind of development and to consider climate change and green technology during the planning of any development initiatives."

You can see the clip with this link

Seriously, from the clip, I don't think she was prepared when being asked that question. She might even think by throwing words like green technology, do research into environment etc etc , is actually a good answer that show she knows something.

She is not the first Malaysian who says the wrong thing in public. If it takes a harsh lesson to make all leaders and public figures to think twice before they actually say and do anything,  I would say "It is a good thing, yeh.... they actually think".

It is a good lesson for all leaders to realise they represent the country. What they do and what they say, affect the country and the nations.

Unfortunately, out of all the heated discussion, there are some nasty comment that wish tsunami hits Malaysia... blar blar blar.

I wonder what make these people different from Rosmah Mansor. They don't think anyway. Why on earth would anyone wishes such disaster happen to any countries or any nation?

Do they seriously think that by throwing nasty comment and wilful wishes will make the world better? 

Come on... Think again !!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

National Day of Action - No bullying at school

Friday 18 March 2011 is Australia's first annual community awareness campaign to address bullying. The event will be on the third Friday in March each year.

School should be the safe place for children and teens to enjoy learning and building their social skills.  Let's all support it and say 'No' to bullying at school.

For more information, please start by spending sometime on

and find out what you can do to make the school the place it should be.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Letter To My Friend


Sorry, just see your email now. First of all, let me assure you that it is ok to be emotional and upset because we are all human, as long as you walk away without doing or saying anything that will hurt someone, which you will regret.

In the perfect world, everyone gets along well. We are blessed with the ability to think, to decide, to choose, but, because we are different, sometimes, the personality just crash. Although we have our mind, I think we are no different with animals at some aspects. When we feel that we are attacked, we defend fiercefully. That is the nature. In this case, your mother in law means no harm, unfortunately, she misses the signal that you need her to step back.

I love reading books of self improvement or some quotes from smart and successful people. Not that I practise them, but just a reminder to myself of what others have done right to be up there. Just, always practise what I say rather than what I do, because I am pretty slacked in practising what is right.

Thanks for trusting me enough to tell me your problems. I don't see the problem as solely bossy mother in law, unreasonable boss and rude interviewer. I do see you struggle with expressing yourself, losing confidence and being confused about life. We do not cry for no reason, and sometimes it relates to something deep down and not just the problem that we thought we are dealing with.

1. Pick a day, go to some where quiet, and ask yourself when is the last time you laugh from your heart. Then write down the list of things that you really want to do that will really cheer you up.

2. Every week, make a plan to do something from the list. If it means having some quiet time to read a book, then go to the library for 1-2 hours. Quiet time and only your time.

3. Have a look at the course link (Listen to your heart and success will follow) I sent. If you really sit down and go through the course, I do think it will be a good start that give you a better idea on what you are looking for in life/work and how to deal with it.

There are a few of things I learn in life:

- Things always happen for a reason.

- Whatever we experience in life is a lesson, and it will not go away until we learn it.

- We need to know what is our needs (not want). If we know our needs, we can express ourselves better and then start communicating with people around us.

Good night and have a sweet dream

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Poem - To Let Go

I come across this website today,  .  There are many interesting quotes and I love this poem of Letting Go that I would like to share.

Letting Go
Author Unknown

To let go doesn't mean to stop caring;

It means I can't do it for someone else.

To let go is not to cut myself off...

It's the realization that I can't control another...

To let go is not to enable,

but to allow learning from natural consequences.

To let go is to admit powerlessness,

which means the outcome is not in my hands.

To let go is not to try and change or blame another,

I can only change myself.

To let go is not to care for, but to care about.

To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.

To let go is not to judge,

but to allow another to be a human being.

To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes,

but to allow others to affect their own outcomes.

To let go is not to be protective,

It is to permit another to face reality.

To let go is not to deny, but to accept.

To let go is not to nag, scold, or argue,

but to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.

To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires,

but to take each day as it comes and cherish the moment.

To let go is not to criticize and regulate anyone,

but to try to become what I dream I can be.

To let go is not to regret the past,

but to grow and live for the future.

To let go is to fear less and love more.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Phillip Island - Animal

Phillip Island

Photos from Phillip Island, Victoria